Student Quotes
I’m excited to build a better relationship with God—He’s like my best friend.
CCS Student
God brought me to this school, and this school brought me to God.
CCS Student
For once, I feel like I belong.
CCS Student
Jesus picked me, chose me, and loved me for a reason, and being here has made that reason more clear.
CCS Student
This school has shown me how to love God and not follow the world around me.
CCS Student
The teachers are always open to talk about God and problems you have in life.
CCS Student
I’m happy I’m here because I get to see other people connect with God.
CCS Student
I want to show others the way He moved in me so they can see that He’s real, and He’s there, and He can change your life just as much as He’s changed mine.
CCS Student
Our Vision
To be the top school choice of Central Coast families where biblical education is instilled and Christian leaders are raised.
Our Mission
To partner with parents in preparing students to serve God in all of life by providing excellence in the spiritual, academic, social, and physical aspects of education.
Jesus is changing lives at CCS...
Current Spiritual Theme

Culture tells us to build our lives one way, but Jesus teaches us another—and we do not use tools that are anything like the world’s.
The tools we use are forged by God, equipping us with the knowledge to demolish all strongholds of godless philosophies and self-deception.
Armed with the truth, we can crush every thought that is not of Him as we build a holy foundation on Christ, the eternal Rock.
Theme VerseS
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”