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Volunteer • Pray • Donate

This is why we do what we do:

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2023 Dinner & Auction

September 30
5:00-8:15 PM

Come join us for an incredible evening of fun while raising support for the school!

One of the cornerstones of Coastal Christian is the amazing team of volunteers, prayer warriors, and donors who help make everything happen. Without this, CCS would not exist. It's that simple.

And we are profoundly grateful.

Ways to Give


Volunteers (which include all of our board members) are a vital part of the backbone of this ministry. From class helpers to landscaping angels, we’d welcome your amazing skills and helping hands.


Asking the Lord for continued blessings is essential to all that we do to move CCS forward as a light in our community. We would absolutely love your prayers for this school!


The bottom line is that we need your financial gifts to keep the doors open and the lights on. Please consider donating to help us continue to honor God as we invest in students here in Pismo Beach.

Estate Planning

Let Your Legacy Live On
Sign up for one of our free meetings to learn valuable and practical estate planning wisdom from Central Coast Attorney Matt O’Leary of O’Leary Wallace Law Firm.

Yes, the meetings are free (compliments of O’Leary Wallace Law Firm). We’d love you to consider us as you plan, but there are no strings attached.

For more information about our next meeting, please contact:

CCS Development Team
(805) 489-1213

Donate Online

Coastal Christian School is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. All donations will receive a confirmation letter and a year-end receipt for tax purposes.



Donate via venmo

If you prefer to donate via Venmo, search for @coastalchristianschool

Please specify fund/campaign in the notes field

Donate via check

If you’d like to donate via check, you can either bring it to the CCS Office or mail it to us:

Coastal Christian School
1005 N. Oak Park Blvd.
Pismo Beach, CA 93449


What do my donations go toward?

Your gifts provide funds for our new campus, classroom audio/visual equipment, technology enhancements, library resources, scholarships for students in need, critical facilities needs, and resources for many worthwhile programs. Your kindness and generosity are crucial the development of Coastal Christian School. Thank you for making all the difference in the world!

Are my gifts tax-deductible?

Yes! Coastal Christian School is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. All donations will receive a confirmation letter and a year-end receipt for tax purposes. All donations to CCS are tax-deductible with one exception: donating to our Scholarship Fund is tax-deductible, but if you donate to a specific individual student (by name), it is not. Please contact us if you’d like more details about this.

Is your school a non-profit?

Yes. Coastal Christian School is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. 

What is the Scholarship Fund?

This fund is a way you can help families in need meet their financial commitments (for example, tuition) at CCS.  Please contact us if you would like more information.

What is the General Fund?

This fund is crucial in helping us keep our doors open and the lights on. If you would like to support CCS when it comes to the overall day-to-day operations of the facility and staff, please choose “General Fund” when donation online or in the memo section of a check.

Can I donate goods and services?

Yes, we welcome donated goods and services according to current needs. If you have goods or services you’d like to donate, please call (805-489-1213) or email us and we’ll set up a time to discuss details.

Current Giving Campaign:

In 1977, the Lord moved in the heart of a generous saint, Reuben Kvidt, to donate 27 acres of beautiful Pismo Beach land with the express desire to build a thriving Christian school.

Today, that dream is a reality, and it’s Time to Build.


Please email our
CCS Development Team

or the CCS Office

CCS Volunteer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in helping the school!

Join the CCS Prayer Warriors

Each Monday at 8 AM, the CCS Prayer Warriors meets to pray for the students, the staff, and our surrounding community. We’d love to have you join us!

Can’t make it to the school Monday mornings? No worries—your prayers are so welcomed whether you’re at the school or praying from where you are (at work, at play, in a car, on a surf board, etc.). :)



To be the top school choice of Central Coast families where biblical education is instilled and Christian leaders are raised.

Our Mission

To partner with parents in preparing students to serve God in all of life by providing excellence in the spiritual, academic, social, and physical aspects of education.

The dream has become a reality

In 1977, the Lord moved in the heart of a generous saint, Reuben Kvidt, to donate 27 acres of beautiful Pismo Beach land with the express desire to build a thriving Christian school. In 2024, that dream is a reality, and it’s Time to Build!


Tour the Campus

We’d love to show you around our beautiful Pismo Beach campus and share why we believe the CCS Experience is worth it!

Apply Online

Come be part of the Coastal Christian School experience. Enrollment for the 2024-25 is currently OPEN.


THE CCS Experience

The CCS Experience goes beyond the typical school environment. Think of it as excellent academic and physical education with some church youth group and Christian camp mixed in.

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Groups and Clubs

Expanding the CCS experience with multiple extracurricular opportunities.

Also see:



Contact Athletic Director Tara Sanchez

Athletics Calendar

Find game times and locations

Band App

Mobile app for team communication

Groups and Clubs

Expanding the CCS experience with multiple extracurricular opportunities.

Also see:

Campus Life

THE CCS Experience

The CCS Experience goes beyond the typical school environment. Think of it as excellent academic and physical education with some church youth group and Christian camp mixed in.

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Follow CCS!

2023-24 Spiritual Theme

Culture tells us to build our lives one way, but Jesus teaches us another—and we do not use tools that are anything like the world’s…


Bell Schedules


Download our current
Year-at-a-Glance Calendar (PDF)

• Also see 2024-25 Year-at-a-Glance Calendar •
Stay Informed

Sign up for our weekly Newsletter and Event Mailing List to stay up-to-date on all-things-CCS.

Follow CCS!


Stay Informed

Sign up for our weekly Newsletter and Event Mailing List to stay up-to-date on all-things-CCS.

Follow CCS!

Support CCS

Student Stories

Your support is making a difference!

God continues to transform lives at CCS. Here’s a peek behind the curtain to see His power in the hearts of our students:

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The dream has become a reality

In 1977, the Lord moved in the heart of a generous saint, Reuben Kvidt, to donate 27 acres of beautiful Pismo Beach land with the express desire to build a thriving Christian school. In 2024, that dream is a reality, and it’s Time to Build!

Stay Up-to-Date!

Sign up for our weekly Newsletter and Event Mailing List to stay up-to-date on all-things-CCS.

A Christ-centered experience!


Enrollment is open to all public

(first-time students as well as returning students)


Start an Online Application today!

If you have any questions, please contact:

Ashley Burns
Admissions and Events Director
(805) 489-1213

How do I reenroll my child(ren)?

if your child is currently enrolled at CCS, you should have received an email titled “Reenrollment for 2025-2026.” It contains the details you need to walk through the reenrollment process.

If you have not received the email (remember to check your spam folder), please contact:

Ashley Burns
Admissions and Events Director
(805) 489-1213

Tour the CCS CAmpus!

Thank you for your interest in touring the school campus. Once you’ve submitted this form, we will contact you and schedule a tour.

Warm Regards,
Michelle Morse
Admissions and Events Director