Junior High and High School
Our secondary experience is more than just a typical school environment. We are committed to academic excellence wrapped in a broader spiritual scope. Each year we embrace a Biblical theme to serve as the catalyst for deepening our faith in Jesus Christ.
Our outstanding secondary experience includes:
Academic Excellence
The Coastal Christian experience is deeply grounded in two core fundamentals: helping our students grow in their faith in Christ while challenging them to succeed through our strong academic standards.
College-Prep Curriculum
Our high school program is based on a college-preparatory curriculum. Students are prepared to meet the entrance requirements to all private universities and the California State University system. Our student graduates hold a 98% college acceptance rate.
Weekly Chapels
With a variety of guest speakers and a student-led worship team, our students receive an authentic worship experience at our weekly Chapels.
Spiritual Emphasis Retreats
Just as Jesus went to the mountain to spend some special time with the Father, so we, too, provide opportunities for our secondary students to embrace a unique atmosphere to connect with the Lord at our Spiritual Emphasis Retreats.
Christ-centered theme
Each year we incorporate a Christ-centered theme element to the overarching school experience. This year’s theme: Crush It.
High School Athletics
We offer a variety of sports for our high school students to help teach teamwork, trust, physical training, and leadership. Current high school sports: football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, beach volleyball, and cheerleading.
Junior High Athletics
Likewise, we offer a variety of junior high sports as well: flag football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball, and ultimate Frisbee.
Performing Arts
From skits to dance routines to feature plays, our Performing Arts Company helps students dig deep into their God-given creativity.
Every other year, our 8th and 9th grade students go on an educational trip to Washington D.C., while a trip to Europe is available for our 11th and 12th grade students on alternating years.
Our students also experience a number of same-day field trips in the Central Coast area. Visit our Trips and Events page for more information.
Student Government (ASB)
We run a full ASB (Associated Student Body) Student Government in our secondary school.
Students in ASB
Each class grade has a Class President representative in ASB. Our entire secondary school is represented by an ASB President, ASB Vice President, ASB Treasurer, ASB Secretary, ASB Media Director, and ASB Activities Director.
Top-Level Test Prep
Our students score significantly higher than the national average. In every subject over the last five years, CCS averaged better than 75% of all the students in the nation. This means that half of CCS students score between the 76th and 99th percentile.
Enrichment Opportunities
Above and beyond our core academic courses, we offer electives like Performing Arts, Creative Arts, Media Arts, Creative Writing, and Spanish. Students may also join one of several extra-curricular clubs and groups, and expand their horizons through a number of enrichment options.
Community Service
One of the unique ways our students grow is by serving our community in a number of ways. From helping children in church Sunday school to cleaning up God’s creation, our students invest their hearts in making a difference.
2024-25 Theme:
Culture tells us to build our lives one way, but Jesus teaches us another—and we do not use tools that are anything like the world’s.
The tools we use are forged by God, equipping us with the knowledge to demolish all strongholds of godless philosophies and self-deception.
Armed with the truth, we can crush every thought that is not of Him as we build a holy foundation on Christ, the eternal Rock.
Theme Verse
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Highlight video
Spiritual Emphasis Retreat – Fall 2024
Learn more about our Spiritual Emphasis Retreats
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