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Cell Phone Policy

Details and FaQ
All that we do at Coastal Christian School aims at building our students’ relationship with Jesus Christ through an education in which truth and wisdom saturates the knowledge our students hear and receive.

Letter from Head of School Tom Olmstead

Dear CCS Parents and Families,

All that we do at Coastal Christian School aims at building our students’ relationship with Jesus Christ through an education in which truth and wisdom saturates the knowledge our students hear and receive.

While we recognize that new technology can be a great asset in achieving our goals, we cannot deny that, in recent years, we have recognized significant cell phone tendencies directly impacting our students.

Smartphones are beneficial tools with tremendous capabilities for communication, information gathering, and entertainment. But more and more research is corroborating what many teachers, students, and families have experienced directly, which is that cell phone use at school on the whole is detrimental to students’ academic performance, classroom and school engagement, and social development. They inhibit the fostering of a cohesive and Spirit-based school community by introducing media content and social interactions that are often superficial and unbiblical. Cell phone use on campus often runs counter to the spiritual habits and community interactions CCS is trying to promote.

Through diligent research, we examined multiple options for implementing a change in how students access cell phones during the school day. We concluded that the most effective path forward is to restrict student cell phone access during the school day, outlined in a new CCS Cell Phone Policy.

To carry out this policy, CCS will be using a pouch system created by a company called Yondr. In this system, we will not collect phones each day. Rather, each student will put their cell phone in a Yondr Pouch, then lock the pouch. This will allow students to keep their cell phone (within the pouch) securely in their lockers or backpacks. At the end of each school day, the students can quickly and easily unlock their pouches at one of several unlocking stations.

The pouches will be part of required materials for all secondary students. We are reducing the cost of the first pouch for each student to $25. Pouches will be handed out on the first day of class this fall. For more information about Yondr pouches, please visit the Yondr website.

This will not eliminate the ability to use phones in certain emergency situations. Unlocking stations will be in classrooms, and students can still visit the office during the school day to contact parents should critical communication needs arise.

We have created a FAQ section on this webpage anticipating some of the questions you may have. There is a link to the new policy from our Student/Parent Handbook, as well as links to some of the research considered in making this decision. If you need clarification about this new policy, please feel free to reach out to me or Vice Principal Jack Mefford at

I understand this is not a trivial change at CCS. We do all of this to benefit the spiritual and social growth of our students, so that CCS will continue to be a place where students can experience an exceptional education as well as develop a sincere and committed relationship with Christ.


Tom Olmstead
Head of School
Coastal Christian School

Student/Parent Handbook Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

Yondr “Impact of Phone-Free Schools”

Cell Phone Policy FAQ

Why is this new cell phone policy needed now?

More and more research is corroborating what many teachers, students, and families have experienced directly, which is that cell phone use at school on the whole is detrimental to students’ academic performance, classroom and school engagement, and social development. They inhibit the fostering of a cohesive and Spirit-based school community by introducing media content and social interactions that are often superficial and unbiblical. Cell phone use on campus often runs counter to the spiritual habits and community interactions CCS is trying to promote. New systems like the Yondr pouch provide an opportunity to protect valuable student property while also making it easy for students to separate themselves from their cell phones for the duration of the school day.

Why must phones be stored in Yondr pouches all day and not just during class time?
The goal of our cell phone policy is not only to increase classroom engagement, but also to improve and deepen social interactions among students during break times outside of class. Having cell phones put away for the entirety of the school day, rather than just 45-minute class increments, creates a more sustained engagement with in-person interactions and lessens any potential dependency on digital distractions and interactions.
When will Yondr pouches be available for pick-up? How much will they cost, and how do I pay?

Yondr pouches will be handed out to students on the first day of school (Thursday, August 22) in their homeroom (1st period) classes. At that time, teachers will walk through how to use the pouches and share best-practices. The pouch will cost $25 (billed via FACTS). If you sign the Cell Phone Policy Waiver (see next question in FAQ), that must be brought to school in place of a cell phone. Once a signed waiver is turned in, the $25 pouch fee will be voided in your FACTS account.

What if my student doesn’t have a cell phone?

Students without a cell phone must have their parents sign the CCS Cell Phone Policy Waiver declaring that they do not have a cell phone or will not be bringing one to school, and thus will not need to purchase a Yondr pouch for the current school year. The waiver will also state that, should the student obtain a cell phone (and choose to bring it on campus) during the school year, a Yondr pouch will be immediately purchased.

What if there is a school emergency and I need to contact my student?
Law enforcement teaches that in the event of a school emergency, it is not best practice to have multiple individuals making calls during the emergency. Teachers and staff will be ready to unlock Yondr pouches in order to allow students to make calls at the appropriate time. Should a teacher not be available, or circumstances prove necessary, Yondr pouches can be broken and forced open if someone requires immediate emergency access to their phone.
What happens if my student’s Yondr pouch is stolen?
If a student’s pouch is stolen, the school staff will make every effort to retrieve that stolen pouch. However, the student will need to purchase a replacement pouch for $30 to use in the meantime. If the stolen pouch is returned or found, then the additional pouch may be returned for a full refund. We recommend students place their pouch in a secure location, such as a locked locker, and clearly put their name on their pouch in order to prevent potential theft.
How are Yondr pouches locked and unlocked?
Each secondary classroom and the school office will have an unlocking base which students can use at the appropriate time to unlock their phones.
When will Yondr pouches typically be locked and unlocked?
Yondr pouches will be locked by students’ 1st period teachers after the 8:00 AM tardy bell. They then should be put in backpacks or secured in lockers until they are unlocked by their 7th period teacher or in the school office at 2:30 PM.
What is the Yondr cell phone procedure if my student is late for school or has to leave early?
Students who arrive late to school must lock their Yondr pouch in the school office before going to class. Students who leave school early may unlock their Yondr pouch in the school office as part of the school’s check-out procedure.
What happens if a student is caught with their phone or smart watch outside their Yondr pouch during the school day?
Students caught with their cell phones outside their Yondr pouch during the school day will have their phone confiscated and placed in the school office for pick-up by a parent or guardian at the end of the school day. Repeated violations will result in escalating consequences including detention and possible suspension.
What if I need to communicate with my child during class to arrange for transportation, lunch, or items they may have left at home?
We ask that parents/guardians plan accordingly and not contact students during the school day via cell phones. Parents/guardians may contact the school office to pass on an important message to their child.
What if my student needs to get in touch with me during school hours?
Between 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM, students may contact their parents regarding important issues using the phone in the school office.
If a new Yondr pouch must be purchased, how long must students wait to receive a replacement?
Extra pouches are available in the school office, and students should be able to receive a new pouch by the end of the school day. The replacement cost will be $30.
What happens if a student forgets to turn their phone to silent and it rings while in the pouch?
Teachers will allow students to unlock their pouches in order to silence their phones without penalty. Should it become a repeated issue, teachers will have discretion to enforce consequences, including cell phone confiscation or detention.
What happens if a student alters or damages their Yondr pouch so that it no longer locks or is functional?
Students with non-functioning pouches will be required to purchase a new pouch that same day. They will automatically be issued a new pouch and then billed the replacement cost ($30).
Are smart watches included in this new policy?
Yes. Smart watches are included and must be locked in a Yondr pouch along with the student’s cell phone.
Are earbuds included in this new policy?
Yes. Earbuds may no longer be used on campus. They do not need to be locked in the Yondr pouch, but any student found with earbuds will have them confiscated.
Do I need to purchase a new pouch every year?
No. As long as your Yondr pouch is in good functional condition, it is a one-time purchase.
May students decorate or customize their Yondr pouches?
Students may decorate or customize their pouches. It is recommended that they clearly put their name on their pouch, but decorations may also make it easier for students to identify their own pouch. Any decorations must be appropriate and not impair the proper locking and unlocking of the pouch.

Research and Implications

Mission College Prep in San Luis Obispo is also implementing a cell phone policy using the Yondr Pouch system. They have graciously shared some of the research pivotal their decision.

Teens and Social Media Use: What’s the Impact?

Mayo Clinic Staff

The tech moguls Who Invented Social Media have Banned Their Children from It

Olivia Rudgard, Irish Independent

Excessive Smartphone Use Is Associated With Health Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults

Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ariel University

Study: Teens Feel Happy, Peaceful without Their Cell Phones


End the Phone-Based Childhood Now

Jonathan Haidt, Social Psychologist

Dopamine, Smartphones & You: A Battle for Your Time

Trevor Haynes via

Neuroscientist: “We Are Building a Generation of Low Attention”

Andrew Huberman, Motivation Madness

Jonathan Haidt Says Social Media Is Making America Stupid

The Russell Moore Show, Christianity Today

More Than a Third of Teens Say They Spend Too Much Time on Their Phones, New Study Finds

Clair Duffy, CNN

Smartphones Revolutionize Our Lives—but at What Cost?

National Georgraphic

Mobile phone addiction? It’s Time to Take Back Control

The Guardian

“Uniquely Stupid:” Dissecting the Past Decade of American Life

Amanpour and Company

Is Your Phone Affecting Your Mental Health?

Butler Health

Phone Addiction: Warning Signs and Treatment

Addiction Center

The Use of Social Media in Children and Adolescents: Scoping Review on the Potential Risks

(Multiple contributors)

*Read the “Conclusions” section (6) near the end of the abstract

DISCLAIMER: We are not associated with these authors, websites, and organizations. However, we found, in part, the articles and videos to be educational and insightful as we conducted research about cell phone usage among teens and in schools.




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The dream has become a reality

In 1977, the Lord moved in the heart of a generous saint, Reuben Kvidt, to donate 27 acres of beautiful Pismo Beach land with the express desire to build a thriving Christian school. In 2024, that dream is a reality, and it’s Time to Build!

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If you have any questions, please contact:

Ashley Burns
Admissions and Events Director
(805) 489-1213

How do I reenroll my child(ren)?

if your child is currently enrolled at CCS, you should have received an email titled “Reenrollment for 2025-2026.” It contains the details you need to walk through the reenrollment process.

If you have not received the email (remember to check your spam folder), please contact:

Ashley Burns
Admissions and Events Director
(805) 489-1213

Join the CCS Prayer Warriors

Each Monday at 8 AM, the CCS Prayer Warriors meets to pray for the students, the staff, and our surrounding community. We’d love to have you join us!

Can’t make it to the school Monday mornings? No worries—your prayers are so welcomed whether you’re at the school or praying from where you are (at work, at play, in a car, on a surf board, etc.). :)

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Thank you for your interest in touring the school campus. Once you’ve submitted this form, we will contact you and schedule a tour.

Warm Regards,
Michelle Morse
Admissions and Events Director

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